Wandering Soul

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New ramblings in the new year!

A new year begins, so farewell '06. I kind of feel cheated when i think about 2006 as a year... it completely flew past!! Not that the year was uneventful by any means - for the most part, every month had some big thing happening - it just seemed to be over before I could even come to terms with it having started! Apparently this was true for many of my friends too.
The way I spent this new year, however, was a big contrast from last new years' eve....last year, I was in Goa, on the beach, watching fireworks, surrounded by really close friends. This year I was too exhausted to do anything because of a hectic and tension-filled few days spent at the hospital (someone very close to me was critically ill). But what was common was a lot of introspection and soul-searching.

This will probably sound really clichéd but problems of the nature of life and death really give you a different take on how you view life and a whole new perspective on the meaning of word 'problem' itself. And the things that one is thankful for.
We speak of controlling our life and various situations, we try and put in measures... for all of that control, I think the only thing that we have with us is hope... and hope is what it takes.

So on that note, hope the new year is fruitful for everyone... hope the year brings with it achievements, accomplishments, joys, and happinesses!! (in a balanced way, of course!)


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