Wandering Soul

Friday, October 12, 2007

Some Strange Things...

I have been having a 'back-end relationship' with my blog ever since I came to China. I cannot view my blog! I think blogspot is blocked by the telecom rules or something, so try as I might, I can't access my blog! However, I can log in through blogger and post, publish etc. on my blog!

That's not all...guess which other site I am not able to access - Wikipedia. WIKIPEDIA!!!! - The most harmless site that exists in the online world!! Why would anyone block wikipedia?!

Straight Curves: You had nominated me to be the most likely to refer to Wikipedia for all of life's answers... you can imagine how I am feeling right now! :)



  • "That's not all...guess which other site I am not able to access - Wikipedia. WIKIPEDIA!!!! - The most harmless site that exists in the online world!!"

    This isn't true...WikiPedia isn't as harmless as it appears initially. There are various debates on this - you can search for 'em and read through (hoping that China wouldn't have blocked those too!)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 28, 2007 6:14 PM  

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