Wandering Soul

Sunday, May 14, 2006


I've had one of the busiest weeks at work.... have had to deal with all kinds of crazy issues like people not behaving professionally as a result of which we had to delay a client deliverable...

I've practically spent my complete weekend in office, yet ironically, this weekend has been one of my most productive and exciting (work-wise) in a LONG time!

No stupid and unnecessary (not to mention long!) meetings, no getting involved in issues that have been repeated twenty times over in the past, or where I cannot add any value... just pure, focussed work that utilized my brains!!!

Dear God, send more such days my way, please!

P.S. - Next time though, make them during the week!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Process Workshop

The group that I belong to is called the Publishing studio… it may as well have been called the process factory or the rules workshop. The people here want a process for EVERYTHING! The context here is that I received this mail in the morning saying how we don’t have a process for template definition… hello?!!!! I mean, excuse me for living! Does there actually have to be a process for defining templates. Soon, they’ll start demanding processes and checklists for eating, breathing, and so on.

Of course, now that my initial reaction has tided over, the real issue as I see it is why must we complicate and over engineer things to SUCH an extent?.... as humans gifted with the unique ability to think… where do we lose it?!