Wandering Soul

Monday, May 26, 2008

On Soulmates

So as the story goes, us mortals were originally combined - four arms, four legs, and two faces, but our power was beginning to scare Zeus so he split us up, and condemned us to spend our lives searching for the other half to complete us.

When I first heard the theory behind soulmates, the romantic in me completely fell for it. What a beautiful thought - you spend your life searching for THE ONE. And imagine what would happen when the two halves did meet... fireworks, sparks, and loads of other chemical reactions, I suppose.

That was the romantic in me. At some point, the realist in me did surface and scoff at the entire theory, but the romantic managed to supress the noise!

Thinking about it realistically... does this actually happen, specially in today's context? The ONE that you end up with - is it because of destiny, or because of a choice you both made based on various factors?

And, is it even possible for a man and woman to be soulmates? I mean, given all the differences between men and women - (somehow all women seem to have the same complaints of men and all men seem to have the same problems of women!) - is it really possible for two people of opposing genders to understand each other at the level that soulmates are expected to?
Hell, the only person I say that about (understands me completely) is my best friend (and vice versa)! And she and I both also simultaneously add that we are also exceptions as far as friends go!!

I think I am quite beginning to like Monica (from FRIENDS)'s POV here* - "You find someone, you're in a relationship, and you work hard at it. Somedays you work a LOT harder (read: When the man is way tooo trying for you! :P), but you get past things!"

*Scoff all you want, but trust me, FRIENDS makes SO much of sense at SO many different levels!

Monday, May 19, 2008


... back into the online world!
It's ironic that my first post of the year is actually when the year is almost half over.
What's more ironic is that is hiatus of sorts came when the year has been extremely action-packed and eventful...
Well, I guess my blog activity is inversely proportional to the activities happening in my life, and hopefully, this is the start of the much-acclaimed balance!

Here's an update of sorts on what I've been upto in the online-o-sphere:
  • Actioning 'facebook' requests! - You have NO idea how much of a stress factor my pending notifications and requests have been! So after two nights of concentrated effort, I've managed to clear out all my facebook requests! (Truthfully though, I did lose patience after I got them down to 25 from 100-something, after which I just ignored the pending requests! My apologies to all of you who had sent me those requests!)
  • Rediscovering facebook! - I had sworn off social networking sites sometime in December... However, I discovered and then rediscovered facebook, and have to admit, I have a whale of a time on it. What I do feel really bad about though is how it has replaced good ol' communication with some friends (my bone of contention with social networking sites).
  • Playing Hangman! - An addiction I didn't know I had, and discovered thanks to facebook! My evenings are now incomplete without a few rounds!