Wandering Soul

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Perfect Lover Tag

Got tagged by Rupen, so here goes...

8 things about my perfect lover. He:
  • Has to be of supreme intelligence… someone who I can look up to
  • Must make me smile… and someone who I can laugh with
  • Must make me feel special in every sense… like I am THE woman in the world
  • Has respect for my time and space…. Of course, he can totally expect the same from me
  • Understands my relationships with my friends … and gets along with them
  • Should not try to change the way I am
  • Must want the same things in life as I do… at a philosophical level
  • Must be my soul mate. The ' I know what you mean even before you've said it' varieties!

I tag... Smita!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Marriage or else...

It's funny how if you're a woman on the other side of 25, there is apparently nothing left in your life beyond marriage! I always thought this rule was only applicable for relatives and nosy friends of your parents, but apparently it applies even to your bosses.

So here's how the story goes... I get a mail from this guy who's not even my boss or my boss's boss. He's taken over the complete content practice for my organization, which makes a very big guy, and me... a practical nobody in his team. Anyway, so the mail asks me to call him, which I do with this big cloud of doubt hanging over my head. After I identify myself and we get talking, I find out that the reason he contacted me was that NIIT was sponsoring a master's diploma in Education for some of its employees, and I was one of the selected few. The terms were that it was a 2 year program, I would have to go for a couple of hours everyday in the week, and for about 8 hours in all over the weekend. Was I interested?

I told this guy that inspite of being grateful for being selected and all that, I couldn't commit myself because of certain personal issues. Guess what the next question was.... "Personal issues? What... you getting married?". I thought I was being noncommittal when I said "Ah..Ahem... not really, but... some other personal issues".
The next thing I knew, I was in this conversation about how even if I was getting married, I should tell my parents that they should find a guy for me based in Delhi, and so on... (Of course, why he assumes I need my parents to search for a guy for me is another tangent altogether).

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Leadership Quote

Came across this excellent quote! :

Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men -- the other 999 follow women. ~ Groucho Marx

Monday, January 16, 2006

Images from Goa

want to write an article on the whole trip outside the sentence "It was amazing"! and I guess I will get around to it eventually. But in the meantime...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Do you want to get into Harvard?!

Came across this article on the Web.... it's too incredulous to be true! This is the story of a guy who earned $8 per hour as a UPS Package Handler and got accepted into Harvard Business School, inspite of having mediocre grades and a so-called very average background.

How? Well, this guy apparently focused all his energies on thinking why he belonged at HBS and not otherwise, and communicated the same in his application. He apparently demonstrated in his application how he had a great 'leadership trajectory' - the key to getting into Harvard. Apparently, he got in without an interview and was in the top 2% of all applicants.

Of course, now he wants to help other people, and has created this toolkit called How to Get into Harvard Busines School Toolkit (!) to help applicants create winning applications.

Amazing article... can make anyone want to apply to Harvard!

Anyway, here is the URL in case anyone wants to read up the full story about this guy: http://www.howtogetintohbs.com/home.php

Friday, January 13, 2006

New Beginnings… and a (Happy) new year!!

Spent new years in the best possible way… close friends, good music, good food…on a beach in GOA! As far as the evening itself is concerned, it was the most work-out type of new years eve…. Spent a lot of time walking to and fro, hopping between beaches, trying to find a good spot. In the end, it was all good… managed to find a lovely place on Baga beach. At the stroke of 12, a beautiful display of fireworks began which lasted for 45 mins…with a christmas carol playing in the background! I guess that happens only in Goa !

Anyway, so, I wish this year is THE year when all wishes come true, and all dreams are realized for everyone. Hope this is the most rocking year in a looooong time to come!