Wandering Soul

Friday, July 13, 2007

You know you're homesick when...


  • Scan online news sites for bollywood news in addition to other news
  • Search for missed episodes of 'Koffee with Karan' on the Internet
  • Eat airline served daal and think of it as 'Really Good'!

And then you reach home, encounter the wonderfully hot and humid weather of Delhi and get stuck in traffic for hours.... Reality Check!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Farewell to Sydney

Prior to my trip, everyone but me was getting excited about the fact that I was going to Sydney, Australia! I was completely immune.... maybe as a result of the work, or actually even because of the fact that it was Australia, and therefore, a bigger deal than travelling to, say, the US for work. When I landed in Sydney, ironically, the first thing that struck me about the place was the peace and quiet. I immediately put that down to being in airports and crowded flights for a little too long! But that impression carried throughout the duration of my trip. It's not like there isn't any activity, in fact, there is quite a bit of hustle-bustle on the streets. In fact, on a Friday night, it feels like the entire city is out of hibernation! But inspite of that, there is a no constant background noise that you can hear, even if you are standing in middle of the business area at the busiest hour.

The other thing about Sydney is that it has a little bit of everything. The city has a mix of touristy things/places, old buildings which have a very old-world feel to them, as well as new buildings and skyscrapers. The entire city is very charming -- the buildings, cobbled streets, a sudden burst of flowers on a gray road, couples of all ages walking hand-in-hand (and really, all ages! not just young couples).

About the Opera House... My first reaction to it was that it was over-rated and completely over hyped! However, I think it grows on you.. The more you see it and that too from different sides, the more you start to like it. I think the angularity adds to the overall appeal. The most beautiful that I've seen the opera house though, is at night. The white of the structure reflects against the darkness of the night, giving it an ethereal glow. Dim lights strategically placed on the structure just adds to the beauty!

Overall, I really enjoyed my time in Sydney... and now, it's time to bid adieu!


Last Night in Sydney

End of week 3 and my last night in Sydney was here. We'd had a presentation with the client earlier in the day, which went off pretty well, so all the sleepless nights of the week became kinda insignificant. As a celebratory cum farewell dinner, the client and our team went out... and it turned out to be a complete girls' night out!

We went to this place called
Cafe Sydney - one of the newer and apparently very popular places in Sydney. You apparently have to book quite a few days in advance. The restaurant is located on the 4th floor of the Sydney Customs House and is a perfect blend of old meets new. The Customs House - a building made in the 1800s - has been redone from the inside and has a public library. The interiors are very intriguing and include lights created out of newspapers!
What is most striking though, is a glass floor beneath which lies a miniature model of the city of Sydney. The floor is also strategically lit up at places so that you feel like you're walking over the city skyline! So, you can stand on top of the Opera House or walk over the Harbour Bridge!!

On to the restaurant itself, Cafe Sydney is on the rooftop of the Customs House with a fantastic view of the city! Sitting on the terrace you have a wonderful view of the water, the city skyline all lit up, lights reflecting on the water, trains and cars passing parallel to each other, minus the accompanying sounds! And then there is the Opera House, and its white light reflecting against a dark sky and the well-lit harbour bridge on the other side.

The evening ended with a total binging on some 4 types of desserts: a three-layered trifle, apple and rhubarb pie, lemon custard tart and a to-die-for chocolate brownie with hot fudge... A perfect way to end a long and stressful week, and a wonderful last night!!


Monday, July 09, 2007

On Aamir Khan's Trail!...
